
Before you get started, ensure that you have the following installed on your machine:

  1. Install Node.js -
  2. Install Node Version Manager – Switch between node versions
  3. Install Automatic Version Switching for Node.js - *Optional, if you prefer switching node versions manually instead
  4. Install any IDE/Text Editor of your choice
  5. Install any API Environment software of your choice

Start the Installation

  1. Navigate to etc/hosts file and Add right beside the line that displays – This is to indicate that we are whitelisting as a localhost address. Sample of the edit below: whitelist


Note: Requires MySQL version 5.7 to run the entire software application. For those requiring help downgrading from MariaDB to MySQL, kindly follow this tutorial -

  1. Use any SQL IDE of your preference.
  2. Copy the Databse.sql script and run it in the IDE.
  3. Remember to change the user credentials.
  4. The database should be setup and ready to use.


  1. Install and run Node v6.10.3
  2. cd into the TRN-Portal folder
  3. Run npm i
  4. Run npm run start to start the client-portal
  5. Navigate to to view the portal and login
  6. Login credentials: / user123


  1. Install and run Node v8.1.2
  2. cd into the TRN-Server folder
  3. Run npm i
  4. Change the Database password inside config/development.json and config/production.json, under sql object - Required to be in sync with the password you chose for when setting up the database
  5. Run npm run start to start the back-end server
  6. Server is available for API CRUD operations via

Production Usage

In order to use the client portal and server in your production environment, kindly update the following files:


  1. Update the config/index.js file.
  2. Under the build object, update the serviceUrl with your Production URL of your choice.

Building process

To compile the application, simply run npm run build. It will produce a dist folder in which will run in your production environment.


  1. Update the config/production.json file.
  2. Replace <<YOUR_PRODUCTION_IP_ADDRESS>> with your Production IP Address of your VPS instance.
  3. Replace http://<<YOUR_PORTAL_URL>> and https://<<YOUR_PORTAL_URL_WITH_HTTPS>> with your Production Portal URL you have setup.

Building process

To compile the application and run, simply run npm run start-production. This will initiate the Node.js application.


To run the server in the background, I would recommend installing and using PM2, an advanced Node.js process manager. It has all kinds of cool features such as logging, watch and reload, monitoring, startup scripts and many more.

Installation - npm install pm2 -g